Pics and vids

Here you can find all pictures and videos (full length + with sound) that are in the posts (and some extra) :)

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

"If you're gonna go, we're gonna go!" Not yet boys, you'll have to be patient for a few more months ^_^ Besides, Tess will take good care of you for the next few days! 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Well, hello there! I've had some internet issues plus vacations during the last couple of months, so I didn't take time to update you all about the boys. They have grown so much! They are living with me for almost 4 months now, making them around 6 months old. But luckily they still look like kittens ^_^ and also sound like them! Well, Ezra still sounds like a mouse...

Even though my friends take real good care of my babies, they always want to cuddle me to bits when I get home ♥

They still love to play and explore new places...

And when I sometimes watch a movie on my laptop, they are very interested in the storyline! (or maybe just in the moving things on the screen)

But they are still the cutest little creatures when they are sleeping ♥_♥

Monday 21 July 2014

Monday, 21 July 2014

It's storming outside with lots of rain, flashes and thunder, but we're not afraid! The playing must go on!

Sunday 20 July 2014

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Happy lazy Sunday!

It's too warm for running around, so let's just chill here in the breeze. Yes, acceptable.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Today the boys decided it would be fun to lay on my lap under the table, where I cannot see or pet them. And then start a brotherly fight. Sigh. Scratches guaranteed.

Next to that the box is the new playground. Cats 'n boxes, eh.

But from all this fighting and playing, the boys get really tired. And they are so darn cute when they are tired.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Good morning! Yes, we know we aren't allowed on the table, but no one shouts if we walk on it at night and we like sleeping up here!

Whenever I am working at my dinner table, George ends up on my lap and Ezra on the seat next to me. Love it!

Also my shoelaces are muchos entertaining.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Coming home after a long day at work is so much more fun with these two adorable creatures waiting for you ♥

The string which once wrapped my weekly veggie box is one of their favorite toys. Empty toilet rolls are a good second and empty shoe boxes a close third. They are so easy to please. Who needs to throw anything away when you have kittens.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Oh, how I love my work from home days! Snuggles on the couch and adorable sleeping kitten pictures FTW! ^_^

They also truly help me with my work.

And sometimes a bit less.

After work is done, it's time for the laundry. It's the first time they see the drying rack, looks like a playground to them! Attack the legs!

And then it's bedtime. Nighty night!

Monday 14 July 2014

Monday, 14 July 2014

Even though I loved my weekend back home, I'm glad to be with my boys again!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Oh my, the first weekend I'm not at home! I'm traveling to the Netherlands for the birthday of my parents, but luckily my dear friends Jerremy and Tessa are willing to babysit my boys. The even spend a couple of hours at my house, just chilling with them. Just look at them, cuddling in the kitty bed together for the first time!

I'm so happy to hear that they are not scared of them at all and are acting exactly the same way as they do with me! Apart from the moment where George decides to sit on top of Ezra's head... They never do that with me... :P

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

It's soccer time again! How lucky am I to have to kitties that like to watch it just as much as me?

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Nowadays my days start by tripping over hungry kittens.

And they end with cuddles on the couch.

I love these days.

Monday 7 July 2014

Monday, 7 July 2014

I come home late after a long day at the office and my two sweeties are squeaking me a welcome home ^_^

Thinking they must be very hungry, I am surprised to see they ate almost nothing of their kibbles. I guess they really don't like this brand. I bought several brands to see what they like plus to not let them get used to one brand and be spoiled little brats, haha.

But in the mean time George has a new addiction... What is this yummy stick??

And every cat owner must see this commercial and laugh of recognition :')

Sunday 6 July 2014

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Good morning, Sunday morning!

I can't believe it was one week ago today that I picked up the boys. Time flies! And they are doing so well :) Slowly they are getting used to me and becoming more social. And thanks to the eye drops and antibiotics their eyes are looking so much better!

Also they now use the scratching post for the first time (instead of the table, chairs and couch, yay!) Before it was on a corner, so they didn't really paid any attention to it. Now I put it under the table, where they tend to play a lot. Still it seems more like a toy to them (and an alternative way to climb up the chairs) than a way to intentionally claw on, but I'm sure they'll get the idea soon enough.

Today the boys are not really hungry it seems. They didn't finish their kibbles and in the evening they don't even finish their meat. But they don't seem to feel sick or anything, so I guess I shouldn't be worried about it :)

Saturday 5 July 2014

Saturday, 5 July 2014

It's our first weekend together! ♥ I didn't make any plans, which means I will spend a lot of time with the boys. But first it's time for some milk (beards).

When I was preparing my house for these cuties last week, I moved a lot of stuff from the living room and hallway to my bedroom. Today it's time to clean that up a bit (so I can actually see my bedroom floor again...) And what make better toys than shoeboxes, toilet paper rolls and other cardboard/paper stuff. Cat heaven.

This also means that the door to the bedroom is open for the first time and the boys are mighty curious to see what's behind there!

After all the tidying up it's time for lunch. And Ezra surprises me by not only coming on the couch with George, but also letting me pet him. Pur, pur, this is nice! And you know what's even better? Brushing! Purrrr!

In the evening it's football time; first it's Belgium against Argentina at 18:00 and at 22:00 it's Netherlands against Costa Rica. And the kitty cats are very fascinated by the running figures on the screen, and even more by the ball that they sometimes try to catch, haha.

But all that football makes the boys very tired... Good night, sweet ones.

Friday 4 July 2014

Friday, 4 July 2014

When I get up in the morning, two hungry kitties are staring at me... ^_^

After their kibbles and milk, I go get ready for a long, long day at the office.

When I get home, I see the boys are truly understanding our routines here; they are squeaking for some food! So I give them their med-filled-meat and see them devour their bowls very quickly.

I place myself on the couch with my laptop to do some more work. George so far is definitely the most dependant of the two; he lays next to me while I work and at some point decides to sit on top of my laptop. Such typical cat behaviour, haha!

Later on, after some well liked petting sessions, he decides that while his brother is on a chair, my lap is a good place for a nap. And every time I take my hand off him to typ something, he looks up annoyed :P

Ezra really isn't into the whole petting thing yet. He'd rather not have me touch him at all, at this moment. But as George seems to enjoy it all so much and the chair remains cold and empty next to him, he at least decided to also lay on the couch. Perfect moment for me to give them both their eye drops.

But as soon as the petting is over, George is also still very scared of me. If he doesn't come to me, he won't let me pet him and just runs off like his bother does. We have a long way to go, with both of them, but I'm sure they will get used very soon and that there will be a day that I wished they would still be a little scared of me and/or not sit on my all the time ;)

And to the sweet and calm (ahum) tunes of Kitty by The Presidents, my dear kitties fall asleep after a long day with lots of running around (=^_^=)